Divya Diamonds

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Ruby Gemstone

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Ruby Gemstone

Ruby is a pink to a blood-red coloured gem that is the most valuable variety of the mineral species called corundum, which also includes sapphires. One of the most popular and traditional cardinal stones, rubies are exceptionally durable and now are widely used in gemstone jewellery. Fine-quality rubies are some of the most expensive gems, with record prices over $ 1,000,000 per carat. The name comes from the Latin word ‘Ruber’, which means red. In the ancient scripts of Vedas and Sanskrit, ruby is referred to as ‘ratnaraj’, which means “king of the gems”. Hence, ruby is also called the “King of Gemstones”.
Ruby History
Discovered around 2,000 years ago, the red gemstone has been part of the most majestic legends, tales and traditions for millions of years. It always has been a favoured lucky charm among royals worldwide. The ancient Kings of India believed that ruby symbolizes glory, power and status, and accordingly always encrusted a ruby to enhance their crown and sword. Jewellery, treasures or royal pieces with carved rubies were quite popular and were used for attracting prosperity as well as enhancing magical powers.

According to Hindu religion, the gem’s red glow came from the internal flame that no individual could probably extinguish. Therefore, ruby was also considered to be one of the most significant gifts to respect Lord Krishna and Buddha.

Ruby is always in-demand for its gem quality. The mining of the famous Burmese ruby of Mogok Valley, Myanmar, was initiated almost 500 years ago and was for centuries the world’s primary source for rubies. The best rubies still come from there. Rubies are also found in countries like Thailand, Sri Lanka, East Africa, Kenya, Nepal, Afghanistan, India, as well as Pakistan. Rubies from Thailand are relatively less attractive, and those found in Sri Lanka are pinkish.

Ruby Stone Benefits

Ruby gemstone if worn, it enhances the qualities of leadership, confidence, and motivation. Wearing Ruby helps to get promotions in jobs. This red gemstone is an asset to fame and relationships. It ensures a cordial and happy relationship with your spouse, family, and friends. It is actually the birthstone for the month of July.


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